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legends never sounded so good

Modulated True-Stereo Convolution Reverb

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Reverberate 3-shot

Legends Never Sounded So Good

Reverberate 3 is for the impulse responses aficionados. If you have captures of legendary studio hardware or even the overlooked gems, Reverberate 3 is for you. Reverberate 3 takes the impulse captures of iconic hardware reverbs and makes them sound better than ever before.

Loaded with effects and modulation options ranging from the subtle to the sublime, it is a powerhouse of creative potential that can take impulse responses to new highs. 

It features a wealth of editing and modulation tools that can refresh and enliven any third party stereo and true stereo impulse responses. Take your captures closer to their original hardware than ever before, or so far away that they become almost unrecognisable. 

A cornerstone of Reverberate’s ability lies in own proprietary modulated capture and playback technology format called Fusion-IR. It is an innovative approach to convolution capture and playback creating a lively, organic reverberation that is impossible to achieve with traditional static convolution.

Just imagine what the early reflections of one piece of classic hardware sounds like with tail of another. Or what an iconic stereo reverb would sound like in true stereo! All possible with Reverberate 3. Anybody who wants to breathe new life into their capture library or make something even more special with what they already have needs Reverberate 3.

Reverberate 3-shot

“Reverberate 3 is like the Tardis, you think it's a simple reverb plug-in, then you step inside! The possibilities are endless and very easy to control. The sheer amount of variation and control reminds me of traditional hardware reverbs of old.”

Andy BradfieldManic Street Preachers, Elbow

Reenergise Your Impulses

Reverberate has a wide selection of new and refined tools to reinvigorate your collection of static or Fusion-IR based reverb captures.

Deeper Fusion-IR Editing

Fusion-IR processing captures the evolving character of time-varying reverbs using multiple true-stereo reverb streams that are processed simultaneously into a reverb that mixes effortlessly with your music.

Fusion-IRs contain separately sampled early and late reverb components for unparalleled control in a convolution reverb, so you can balance the early and late components of a reverb independently, just as you can on a hardware device.

New in Reverberate 3 is the ability to independently adjust the late reverb pre-delay without disrupting the integrity of the sampled reflections. 

Many hardware reverbs only apply pre-delay to the reverb tail, which means the reflections are not unnaturally untethered from the dry sound as pre-delay is applied. Usually in a convolution reverb applying additional pre-delay would dramatically unglue the reflections, but in Reverberate 3 you can shift the late tails forwards and backwards in time independently. 

This also means you can even remove late reverb pre-delay without trimming off any associated reflections from the beginning of the reverb.

Reverberate 3 includes a new re-decaying feature so you can adjust reverb times from 0.25x – 1.75x of their original time without introducing stretch artefacts. Contouring above and below two user-controllable crossovers allows powerful control over low and high reverb times. Of course you can still then send these modified Fusion-IRs into the regular array of editing tools including crop, envelope and resampling stretch.

Reverberate 3 Product Shot - Fusion-IR Editing
Reverberate 3 Product Shot - True Stereo Simulation

Enhanced True Stereo Simulation

Many third party impulse responses are simple, two channel captures – but for a fully enveloping sound true stereo is required.

A reverb with crossfeed creates reverberation from the left input signal to both left and right output channels, and vice versa. Typically the crossfed channels are delayed, and reduced in level, and may even be subject to some additional filtering.

Reverberate can simulate true stereo reverbs using stereo captures. This is an especially powerful technique when used with reverbs that were never designed with true stereo in mind, dramatically improving their spatialisation capabilities.

Now in Reverberate 3 you can modulate the simulated crossfeed channels bringing them to life in way you may have never thought possible without impacting the essential structure and onset characteristics of the sampled reverb.

The modulation technique used for true stereo simulation adds a dynamic sense of space and airiness to the reverb, but because the direct channels are not modulated it will not impair the true character of the original.

Extended Split Modulation

Often a reverb will feature modulated tails and static reflections, but many sampled impulse responses include early reflections and late reverberation in the same capture.

Reverberate allows you to divide a capture into two halves at a point of your choosing, load each into independent convolution engines, and then modulate each half separately creating a reverb brimming with new life and character.

You an even apply additional modulation to the early and late captures in a Fusion-IR.

Reverberate 3 features pitching and non-pitching delay and time modulation features so you can apply dramatic or natural modulations to any static impulse response.

The non-pitching mode is new in version 3, and these two modes can be selected independently irrespective of split point. A short burst of chorusing modulation in the first few tens of milliseconds followed by the more natural fixed-pitch modulation scheme throughout the tail can breathe new life into almost any sampled space.

This is especially powerful when used on reverbs that were never originally designed with modulation and even the tail of a physical capture, taking them on to new highs never envisaged before.

Reverberate 3 Product Shot - Split Modulation

“Fusion-IR and the Bricasti samples made Reverberate 2 one of the great bargains. It’s been in daily use for me ever since. Reverberate 3 is so much more that I could have hoped for. It’s a creative space machine.”

Simon FranglenAvatar, Titanic
Reverberate v3.3 Ducking

Rejuvenate Your Rack

Reverberate dispels the notion that convolution only creates lifeless reverbs with a mix of innovative modulation technologies and quality effects.

Comprehensive Effects

The split modulation and true stereo simulation tools enrich the soul of a captured reverb, but additional spice comes from a comprehensive set of modulated equalisers, delays, ducker and chorus modules.

Dispersion modelling even allows you to simulate the essential whip-crack of real plate reverbs that was missing in almost all vintage digital plate algorithms.

A Refresh For The Next Decade Of Reverb

A lot has changed since Reverberate v1 was released over a decade ago. With this update we have reworked it with the future in mind.

Reverberate 3 features a brand new scalable interface with support for high resolution screens, enhanced metering, support for VST3 and the new FS-24x, FS-48 and FS-91 Fusion-IR packs.

The improvements aren’t just surface level, with all DSP rearchitected to support Apple Silicon (planned for release as a free update in 2021).

“Reverberate captures all the modulation and true stereo depth of many classic reverbs. It sounds brilliant and its deep feature set is a sound designer's dream.”

Damien LewisBeyoncé, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston

Available Free For 14 Days

Reverberate 3 is available to try for free on macOS and Windows.

You will require iLok License Manager, and an iLok 2/3 dongle, iLok machine activation or iLok Cloud is required.

Just enter the iLok code below in iLok License Manager and install the plug-in:

After 14 days a full license is required to continue using the plug-in(s). 

Audio Examples

Here are stereo audio examples of instruments used with Reverberate 3, each example shows the dry version as well as several examples of different presets. Many thanks to Nashville producer Dan Wheeler for making these available to us.

Purchasing and License Information

Available to buy from the LiquidSonics Store for $99, just click below to add to your basket.

Owners of Reverberate 1, Reverberate 2 and Reverberate Core licenses can upgrade for 50% off – get your coupon from the upgrades page.

An iLok 2/3 dongle, iLok machine activation or iLok Cloud is required.

Note: the old style license files used by previous versions of Reverberate have been discontinued.

Buy Now for $249

Documents and Installers

User guide: Download

Version 3.4.3

Reverberate 3: Download
Fusion-IR Expansions: FS-91 | FS-48 | FS-24x | M7 44.1 kHz | M7 96 kHz | FS-1 44.1 kHz | FS-1 96 kHz

Version 3.4.3

Reverberate 3: Download
Fusion-IR Expansions: FS-91 | FS-48| FS-24x | M7 44.1 kHz | M7 96 kHz | FS-1 44.1 kHz | FS-1 96 kHz

These macOS installers contain 64-bit Universal Binaries (Apple Silicon and Intel x64) for VST2, VST3, AU and AAX.

Reverberate 3 is not available for 32-bit DAWs.

Version 3.4.3 (Win: 10 January 2025 | macOS: 18 March 2025)

  • Enhanced protection compatibility with Apple M4 processors
  • macOS installer signature refresh

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.4.2 (Win: 4 October 2024; Mac: 13 December 2024)

  • Windows: Integration of a Pace supplied work-around for an incompatibility with AMD Zen 5 based Windows systems affecting products protected with iLok
  • Mac: Fix for sessions saved on Windows not loading correctly on macOS

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.4.1 (29 August 2024)

  • Framework update
  • Raised minimum system requirements to macOS 10.13

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.4.0 (9 October 2023)

  • Support for dynamics sidechain signal source in AU, VST3 and AAX

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.3.6 (15 September 2023)

  • Sonoma compatibility update

Download: macOS

Version 3.3.5 (7 August 2023)

  • Fix for plugins not loading in GarageBand on Intel Macs

  • Adjustments for UI performance issues on macOS Sonoma

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.3.4 (2 May 2023)

  • Framework update
  • Right click lock menus can now be disabled

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.3.3 (13 December 2022)

  • Fix for user-specified start-up bank not loading

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.3.2 (24 October 2022)

  • Adjustment of impulse response and filter visualisation drawing to correct bugs presenting in macOS Ventura

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.3.1 (19 October 2022)

  • macOS: inclusion of an OpenGL mode drawing option in the settings menu

Download: macOS

Version 3.3.0 (18 July 2022)

  • Ducker effect added to Reverb 1, Reverb 2 and Master effect chains

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.2.4 (11 May 2022)

  • Fix for a VST3-only plug-in scaling issue in Steinberg hosts when using supplementary application UI scaling settings (Windows only)

Download: Windows

Version 3.2.3 (22 April 2022)

  • Security and stability updates

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.2.2 (4 March 2022)

  • macOS: Apple Silicon support

Download: macOS

Version 3.2.1 (4 November 2021)

  • Correction of level meter response to steady tone inputs

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.2.0 (29 September 2021)

  • Addition of contouring tab
    • Re-decaying
    • Multi-band reverb time editing
  • Fix IR1 delay, chorus and channel swap not performed if in IR1/IR2 serial mode

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.1.2 (17 December 2020)

  • Fix for bug related to recall of v1/v2 presets if the wet lock was enabled at the time of saving

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.1.1 (9 December 2020)

  • New facility added to automatically fill a bank with default presets containing the next impulse response in the current folder to speed up preset creation
  • Added the facility to copy Reverb 1 to Reverb 2 and vice versa to quickly reproduce the settings of one reverb in the other container
  • Opens file dialogs at factory base location if no IR is currently loaded
  • Fixed bug with Reverb 2 synthetic late reverb display properties and IR statistics

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.1.0 (3 November 2020)

  • Added a new dispersion simulation capability
  • Dispersion control added to the envelope curve tab

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.0.2 (30 October 2020)

  • Fix for incorrect audio processing when loading static Fusion-IRs into the Reverb 2 container

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.0.1 (14 October 2020)

  • Improved compatibility with macOS 10.9 and 10.10 systems
  • Added power icon to the equaliser visualisations to enable/disable processing
  • Added the option to show or hide middle and lower pane regions from the settings menu
  • Corrected LFO1/LFO2 ordering in the master equaliser
  • Auto-enable the reverb module when a new impulse response is loaded from “Load-IR” button
  • Better support for AIF files with the .aif extension (previously it assumed .aiff in some areas)
  • Recognise a shift-click on the preset browser chevrons to move between banks instead of individual presets

Download: Windows | macOS

Version 3.0 (Build 9 October 2020 / Release 12 October)

  • Initial release

Download: Windows | macOS

Alternative Download Links

LiquidSonics London Server

Windows Plug-in: Reverberate 3
Windows Fusion-IR Expansions: FS-91 | FS-48 | FS-24x| M7 44.1 kHz | M7 96 kHz | FS-1 44.1 kHz | FS-1 96 kHz

Mac Plug-in: Reverberate 3
Mac Fusion-IR Expansions: FS-91 | FS-48 | FS-24xM7 44.1 kHz | M7 96 kHz | FS-1 44.1 kHz | FS-1 96 kHz

For version 1 or 2 installers please see the legacy downloads page.

Additional Information

Reverberate 3 supports DAWs meeting the following specification:

    • iLok 2/3, iLok machine activation or iLok Cloud
    • Windows 7 and above
    • macOS 10.13 and above
    • VST 2.4, VST 3, Audio Unit (AUv2), AAX Native
    • 64-bit DAW and OS required
    • 500 MB disk space for a base installation
    • Intel or Apple Silicon processors (native and Rosetta 2 supported)
    • Fusion-IRs require additional disk space (can be installed to a separate drive)

Reverberate 2 is a fully featured convolution reverb, a complete list of capabilities is as follows:

    • Dual convolution reverbs
    • Fusion IR processing capability 
    • Synthetic early reflections and tail generation modules
    • SplitMod early/late pitch and non-pitching modulation
    • Modulated true stereo simulation for stereo IRs
    • Double oversampled EQ with modulation per IR
    • Re-decay the reverb time from 0.25-1.7x length
    • Low and high reverb time multipliers for low and high decay time adjustment
    • Linear-interpolation choruses for Reverb 1, Reverb 2 and Master effects
    • Stereo delays with modulation for Reverb 1, Reverb 2 and Master effects
    • Ducker for Reverb 1, Reverb 2 and Master effects including sidechain
    • Post EQ with LFO modulation
    • Sheen EQ filter for adding synthetic high frequency content to dark IRs
    • Stereo widener
    • ADSHR envelopes with shape control
    • Zero latency (or up to 8192 sample delay for reduced CPU usage)
    • Impulse response chaining
    • Integrated preset and sample browsers
    • Wav, Aiff and Flac file support
    • 64-bit VST, VST 3, AU and AAX
    • Scalable interface with high resolution display compatibility
    • Folder bookmarking
    • Recursive file location searching for lost IRs
    • FS-24x, FS-48, FS-1 and Bricasti M7 Fusion-IR expansion packs available (no additional purchase required)