We provide demos for all products in the LiquidSonics store, find out how to pick up a free demo today below
Free 14-Day Demos and Demo Extension Licenses
Check out our reverbs completely free for 14 days by following these simple steps:
- Download the latest version of iLok License Manager and sign up for an account if you do not have one
- Log into your iLok account from the license manager
- Redeem your demo code (see below for all the codes)
- During the deposit you can activate the demo to your iLok USB (v2 or v3), your local machine, or simply open an iLok Cloud session to activate to cloud
- Download the reverb of your choice from the downloads page
- Install the reverb and open it in your DAW
No physical USB iLok device is required to use iLok Cloud or an iLok machine activation, but you will need a persistent internet connection to use iLok Cloud whereas a machine activation can be used offline after the activation has been completed.
The iLok demo codes are as follows:
Seventh Heaven: 1012-8178-1101-6122-8768-6737-6659-09
Seventh Heaven Professional: 1044-9186-6808-9894-3820-4521-4134-47
Cinematic Rooms: 8461-9648-0592-6300-2829-3057-3194-75
Cinematic Rooms Professional: 7047-7892-1664-5012-9481-1496-9571-47
Reverberate 3: 5096-3925-6096-2258-7752-8099-4483-16
Lustrous Plates: 1211-9044-5162-3365-6251-5462-6104-24
Lustrous Plates Surround: 8344-2293-5686-5987-0130-8697-5214-88
Illusion: 8214-2447-8504-7182-2941-6690-2167-53
Tai Chi / Tai Chi Lite: 7180-0371-9667-9398-5817-0061-3257-47
HD Cart: 0285-8490-5098-6361-5071-4358-0817-30
M7 Link: 5010-5335-2551-1355-6126-2881-0396-30
After the demo period has expired you will be required to purchase a license to continue using the plug-in.
The demo and full versions use the same installer, so there is no need to re-install to use a full version after your demo has expired.
If you have used a 14-day demo before and require a demo extension of 7-days please open the panel below and deposit the extension code.
Demo Extensions
Seven-day demo extensions are available using these iLok codes:
Seventh Heaven: 9231-8621-1955-0022-2043-4085-4483-91
Seventh Heaven Professional: 5291-4179-4860-3757-4537-3323-7425-62
Illusion: 7270-5990-0771-4035-5446-4281-6069-47
Lustrous Plates: 7072-9012-2423-8048-8569-0925-6967-75
Lustrous Plates Surround: 5063-6592-0884-4246-9099-6211-6318-91
Cinematic Rooms Standard edition: 9265-3061-2309-5378-1215-2565-6833-47
Cinematic Rooms Standard and Professional editions: 0066-7559-0322-8310-0459-5023-2838-24
Reverberate 3: 0253-1434-5724-7930-1000-9382-1046-30
Tai Chi / Tai Chi Lite: 9162-3000-6304-1866-0279-5744-1748-62
HD Cart: 5010-7446-7858-9030-9629-5522-7432-30
M7 Link: 0278-9232-8094-9646-3893-1424-5924-16
For all products an iLok 2/3, iLok Cloud or iLok machine activation is required.
All products support VST, VST3, AU and AAX
A 64-bit OS is required for Windows and Mac computers (some products support 32-bit with the legacy installers)