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Compatibility Notes Regarding macOS Ventura

By 19th October 2022October 24th, 2022

Throughout the beta process for Apple’s macOS Ventura I have been checking compatibility across the portfolio.

The only significant issue was observed in Reverberate 3, please update to Reverberate v3.3.2 to correct a graphical glitch in Reverberate 3’s impulse response and equalisation visualisation panel when drawing envelopes and filter curves. You can download the installer from the downloads page.

I have observed a very minor graphical glitch in Seventh Heaven Pro at 125% scaling when drawing the reverb time dial and will look into a fix for this in future, but it is so minor that I do not expect many people will notice it. If you encounter any significant drawing problems just switch to OpenGL mode in the plug-in settings menu which seems to resolve any problems of this nature and contact support.

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